Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Conspiracy Theory Alert: Was the New York Snow-maggeddon Shutdown for Secret Reasons?: Transporting Weaponized Influenza or a High Value Target?

I was thinking about how nearly all transportation in New York seemed to have shut down all at once.
With meteorologists predicting blizzard conditions and perhaps as much as 18 inches of snow for New York City, city and state officials moved quickly to shut down as much of the transportation system as possible. Highways were closed to all but essential personnel. The Metro-North and Long Island commuter railroads were shut down, and all bus and subway service was suspended at 11 pm Monday night.
So what would you do if you had all transportation shut down in one of the biggest cities in the world? You could probably transport something scary or politically damaging and make sure people didn't either see it or try to stop it.

I was thinking what that could be and it would have to be something extremely deadly like small pox or maybe a weaponized version of the flu or bacteria. Officials could not risk letting slip that they were moving this item at all and especially through a major metropolitan area.

So what they waited until there was a "blizzard of the century" and then moved it via essential personnel driven vehicle. They loaded it onto a ship, under guard, and that ship left Tuesday for parts unknown. Maybe they are moving it by ship because of the fear that an airplane crash could release it accidentally or expose it to scrutiny.

Also it might have been to get a certain person of interest out of the country in a very secret way. Maybe Zacarias Moussaoui was traded to Al-Quida for aid against ISIS or some other trade of that sort. Right now there is a fake Zacarias Moussaoui residing at ADX Florence in Colorado. Maybe they didn't want to send him out through a military base because there would be too many witnesses. Moving him through silent streets in a van with tinted windows and then loaded on a slow boat could dodge prying eyes.

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