Thursday, July 31, 2014

Paul Ryan Believes in Climate Change: Well He Believes that the Climate is Changing

I think his stance is similar to mine.

"Climate change occurs no matter what," Ryan said Wednesday, as quoted by CNN. "The question is, can and should the federal government do something about it?"

"And I would argue the federal government, with all its tax and regulatory schemes, can't. And all it will do is end up hurting our country, our people and especially low-income individuals," he added.

The Climate might be changing but what we do about it is the rub. Do we damage our economy and put a "carbon burden" on poor people just to *maybe* slow down warming? This is especially bad if we have to lead by example. The Red Chinese wouldn't mind if we put burdens on our economy to maybe reduce warming by 2 degrees over a 100 years. 

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