Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Next President of the United States: Herman Cain?

Well, this guy is slowly starting to move onto the political map and from what I see I might vote for him if given the chance.

The American Dream is under attack. In fact, a recent survey found 67% of the American People believe America is headed in the wrong direction. Sadly, this comes as no surprise to those of us who have watched an out-of-control federal government that spends recklessly, taxes too much and oversteps its Constitutional limits far too often.

Well let's look at the qualifications of this guy a little bit. He went to a historically black college, Morehouse College. From what I  read many black conservatives seem to come from historically black colleges. Next he went into the Navy where he was an actual steely eyed missile man. He then went into various executive jobs with Coca-Cola, Pillsbury, and Burger King so he understands the world of business as an insider.

Then he became President and CEO of Godfathers Pizza. In other words he has filled out a budget and made decisions that effected the livelihood of thousands of people. He physically made thousands of jobs and actually returned his company to prosperity when he was CEO. This is all much more then you could have said about our Community Organizer and Chief.

Plus he doesn't have the stench of something like Romneycare to muddy up the things he has done in the past. However, he hasn't held a national office so the rest of the field has that over him. But Cain can run as an outsider that can go in and clean up the mess that the other career politicians have stuck us with. He can understand budgeting and job creation because he had to do both as a CEO. In any case I would love to have a competent businessman running the country rather then a patrician ideologue any day.


Anonymous said...

It is Morehouse 'College'

Joemama said...

Whoops. Fixed the post.