Friday, November 05, 2010

The Liberal Reaction to the Midterm "Shellacking"

This is a pretty funny rundown of the reaction of various liberal pundits over the Midterm "Shellacking."

In the wake of Tuesday’s “shellacking,” I offer a few of my favorite columns from disappointed Obama supporters. This oneThe Hill, insists that American voters aren’t “frustrated” or "angry," they’re simply “fickle and dumb.” In a 245 word piece, Press manages to denounce his fellow Americans as "dumb" a total of three times. No surprise here. Last summer, as Obama’s poll numbers were buckling, Press from former CNN fixture and current Ed Schultz imitator Bill Press, writing at told his radio audience that the American people were "spoiled."

The actually funny part about the Liberals repeatedly calling the voters dumb is they actually expect these people to support them. In other words Liberals say "Hey dummy vote for me because you are to stupid and scared to know any better." I'm sure the great unwashed mass of Independents would flock to that banner.

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