Friday, November 12, 2010

America's Rabbi Defends the Tea Party

I have to agree 100% with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach when he talks about the Tea Party.

The effort to recapture the dignity that springs from self-reliance is what the tea party, at its core, should be all about.

America's rapid rise to the forefront of global economic power was not an accident but the direct result of the cultivation of a fierce individualism and a rugged self-reliance on the part of its citizenry. 

The Tea Party views government's role as giving you a helping hand when you need it but not put you on a dignity sapping dole like they do in Europe. All the talk about racism and xenophobia and other attacks from the Left are BS.

The Tea Party is essentially a group that wants to make government spending smaller and thus diminish the role of the government in their lives. They want to have the choice whether they want to buy health insurance or not and not have the government imposing fines if they don't buy it. They also don't want people telling them what is good for them, and how to spend their money, and whether they have enough of it, no matter how smart the media claims they are.

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