Thursday, July 08, 2010

The New Head of Medicare and Medicaid Sounds Like a Communist

I don't throw the communist word around too much but this statement could have come right out of Marx or Lenin's writings.

“In America, the best predictor of cost is supply; the more we make, the more we use—hospi­tal beds, consultancy services, procedures, diagnostic tests,” Dr. Berwick wrote. “… Here, you choose a harder path. You plan the supply; you aim a bit low; you prefer slightly too lit­tle of a technology or a service to too much; then you search for care bottlenecks and try to relieve them.”

If you control the means of production and "plan the supply" you can control the people through an artificial shortage. That sounds like something that Stalin or Mao tried and their people died by the millions. I assume that "enlightened individuals" like this Dr. Berwick will be the ones who will be doing this "central planning."

I wonder how many hospital beds and procedures will go to the Party Members in Good Standing (ie Hollywood and Government elite) and not to everyone else? I think you just saw a little red under the white doctors smock of Dr. Berwick.

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