Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The White House Allegedly Offers More "Drop Out from the Race" Jobs

I thought this was the most ethical administration of all time. First Sestak and now Andrew Romanoff?

Romanoff said in a statement Wednesday that Obama's deputy chief of staff, Jim Messina, called him shortly after his plans to run for Senate became public in September. Romanoff says Messina never made any guarantees, and no job offer was ever made.

Romanoff says the three jobs that were mentioned were deputy assistant administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean, director of Democracy and Governance, and director of U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

Um, that sound you hear is the White House throwing Messina under the bus. My money is on his resignation within a few weeks if this story actually goes wall-to-wall. However, with the media in the pocket of the White House we might have to rely on the National Inquirer or someone to actually run with the story.

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