Friday, March 05, 2010

Dems Race to Pass Health Care Reform Before the Tea Party Mobilizes

They have failed at so many deadlines I'm sure they won't get anything done before Easter. However, if they do somehow pass something before then I think these Tea Party demonstrations would be a sight to see.

Conservative activists across the country are planning to sponsor town hall meetings, rallies, debates and visits to district offices to voice their objections to the health care reform bill, starting as early as next week. The big push will come during the two-week congressional recess that starts March 29.

"We're gonna hit 'em when we know they're back in (the) district, and we're gonna hit 'em hard," said Tom Gaitens, a Tampa Tea Party organizer who coordinates with FreedomWorks.

I think I will attend a visit to a district office if they have one in Hawaii. It's time to make the Two Hawaii Dans understand that Americans don't want to buy insurance at the threat of jail time.

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