Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Crazy Michele Bachmann Rolls Up the Tent

I guess they won't have Michele Bachmann to kick around anymore. She is quitting the House and going back to wherever it was she came from.

That message helped sweep Republicans into a majority in the House in 2010. John Boehner rewarded her with an appointment to the prestigious House Intelligence Committee in 2011. But between then and January 2013, when it looked like she could lose that position, something happened: the 2012 election. In the Republican primary, Bachmann got a little too crazy. She floated conspiracy theories about vaccines causing mental retardation. There were questions of whether she revealed classified information in debates. She, like most of the other Republican candidates, was anti-immigration. Losing the Latino vote by 40 points helped cost Mitt Romney the White House that fall. 

Yup anyone who is anti-immigrant needs to find the door because the GOP will never win another national election without appealing to at least some of those Latino voters. Also that vaccine stuff is crazy Jenny McCarthy territory and should stay with loony Hollywood types and not be in the Congress.

I was intrigued by her until I saw those crazy eyes. Bachmann just looks like someone that would pick up the Red Phone to order some Papa Johns and then to cover up her error she would launch the nukes. She would then say "well didn't want to look stupid so I had to follow through." I think this picture sums her up pretty well:

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