Monday, August 09, 2010

Michelle Obama Playing the Role of Marie Antoinette

I always thought the Dems were the party of the working man and the GOP was the aristocrats? I guess we have things turned 180.

So the Versailles-like aura around her trips suggests that her prior angst arose not because millions were not able to share the lifestyles of the elite but that she herself had not yet quite partaken in the sort of life she felt she deserved — which she is now apparently enjoying to the fullest. The fact that her Costa del Sol trip coincides with hard times back in the states, comes on the heels of the Kerry yacht and the Clinton wedding, and clashes with her husband’s anti-wealthy rhetoric (e.g., “at some point you’ve made enough money”) makes it all the more weird, both for her adminstration’s equality-of-result politics and for the larger liberal narrative of talking truth to power.

You really can't "talk truth to power" when you are not only showing off the power but also the trappings of great wealth as well. I mean they reserved 30 rooms at a hotel that charges up to $6500 a night. That sounds like something a movie star or royalty would do and it seems okay when Americans are doing well. I mean it is their money after all.

The idea that we have 9.5% unemployment and many Americans can't afford to take a vacation anywhere let alone a millionaires resort like Marabella, Spain should have given someone in the White House some pause. Maybe a nice trip to the Bahamas or something or even just keep the money in the US and go to Disneyland would have been far better. Oh well, the Dems have just gave up their rights to criticize the spending habits of everyone now.

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