Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scary Assessment on What Might Go Down in Iran

This is some sobering thinking from Forbes on the issue.

It is clear that the regime is committed to a carefully planned, extremely violent campaign in the next few days. Will this silence millions of people who are desperate for change? Even if the authorities successfully clear the streets, could Ahmadinejad's government effectively govern after such a campaign? The strategy could backfire as it did in 1979 with Shah's regime. But every dictator feels entitled not to learn from the past and instead make mistakes of his own.

The hardliners should know that the violence and brutal crackdown in 1979 is what caused the Shah's government to fall apart. In fact they were the rock throwers in the street getting gunned down by the Shahs men. The funny thing is they hope that no one will be watching when they do it to this generation. But it isn't 1979 anymore and the world is actually watching via the Internet.

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