Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nokia Sells the Iranian Regime a Way to Catch Protestors

Well there seems to be a boycott in the works against Nokia. I've only owned one Nokia phone but I will not be buying another one for any reason.

Telecommunication companies in the United States and other countries are required to provide this so-called “lawful intercept” capability so that domestic law enforcement agencies can eavesdrop on calls to investigate criminal activity. “Lawful,” of course, means different things in different countries. In the U.S. such interception generally requires a court order.

Yup in Iran you don't need any court order to get you and your whole family "disappeared." Nokia did yoemans work helping the regime catch their foes. The Basij Militia will probably send them a nice fruit basket for making their job so much easier. I have no idea why this telecom equipment was sent to them without this "feature" crippled.

I can just see the new Iranian Telecom Whitepaper thanking Nokia for their service.

It was so hard in the past to catch enemies of our regime who were using cell phones in order to communicate. So we turned to our friends at Nokia who provided us with a solution to this very pressing problem. Using Nokia's technology we are able to listen in on cell phone calls so we can tell exactly when and where we need to be to intercept their lawlessness.

Nokia's Solutions helps our very own Basij Militia crack heads and kill people with axes more efficiently and effectively with no wasted time trying to find the troublemakers. Then we are able to trace the calls back to their families in order to make the protestors pay for their transgressions.

We don't even need to question the detained protesters or plant moles in their organizations because Nokia has done the work for us. Nokia's superior technology has literally brought the tools of repression right into the homes of the hated enemies of our regime. Thanks again Nokia!

Yours with lotsa love,

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

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