Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri Blasts Election Results

Wow, now this is some seriously strong words from one of their highest ranking clerics.

"No one in their right mind can believe" the official results from Friday's contest, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri said of the landslide victory claimed by Ahmadinejad. Montazeri accused the regime of handling Mousavi's charges of fraud and the massive protests of his backers "in the worst way possible."

"A government not respecting people's vote has no religious or political legitimacy," he declared in comments on his official Web site. "I ask the police and army personals (personnel) not to 'sell their religion,' and beware that receiving orders will not excuse them before God."

Too bad they can't they get this guy in charge instead of Ayatollah Khamenei. He seems like a fairly reasonable person at least from these remarks. Maybe his faction will dominate the Guardian Council in the near future and the pragmatists rather then the hardliners will rule in Iran. Now that would be a development that would be great for the Iranian people and the world as a whole.

Come to think of it this Ayatollah Montazeri has the possibility to make himself into a great man of history like Cyrus the Great or Darius if he can change Iran from an anti-Israel, atomic pariah, that blows their cash on terrorist adventures, into the Mighty Persian Lion.

Imagine the power of a country with 1/3rd of the worlds oil and 75% of their populace under 30. They have a potential to be the so-called Lion of the Middle East if they use that capital wisely. Their oil wealth can easily fund the best universities in the world with the best faculty and make it free for all Iranians. The idea of Tehran University and MIT or Harvard mentioned in the same sentence might actually be possible if these pragmatists gain the upper hand.

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