Tuesday, December 11, 2007

MSM already on Huckabee over 15 year old answers

It didn't take too long as the front runner for the Main Stream Media to jump all over Huckabee. You have to color every answer with the fact that the person answering these questions was a 36 year old Texarcana Pastor running for his first office and not a 51 year old Governor. In fact this AIDS thing is so full of crap.
Huckabee's 1992 comments on isolating AIDS patients run counter to a
statement he released last month calling for increased federal funds to find a
cure. Huckabee says the earlier remarks came at a time when there was confusion about how AIDS could be transmitted.

In other words Huckabee sat down with some knowledgeable people and got educated when it came to AIDS and is now advocating *more* federal money to find a cure. I mean people should get a chance to get more information on a subject and come to a new conclusion after 15 years. I guess the MSM thinks people don't get a chance to change their minds about things as time goes on. For instance I have almost totally different views on things now then what I had 15 years ago.

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