Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Man Kills Daughter over Hajib

Now this is a sad story and this father should be put away.
A 16-year-old girl has died after allegedly being choked by her father over
a dispute with her family over her refusal to wear the hijab, the Islamic
headscarf worn by some Muslim women.

Too bad this girl couldn't get in child protective services before the father killed her. This is another sad story of a Muslim that flies off the handle instead of sitting down and reasonably discussing why he feels his daughter needs to wear a head scarf even though she lives in the Western World. I guess reasonable Muslim discourse is an oxymoron nowadays.


Mohamed said...

Hi Joseph,

I think this is too bad of two sides.

The first is that this father didn't convince and argued with her instead of killing her. It's a crime which must be severely punished by a just court.

The second bad side is that it's just what your Media tells you about Muslims. That's right that there is few minority of Muslims which make bad things which never belong to Islamic religion, but not all Muslims are like that. Majority believe in true Islam which orders moderation and mercy.


Mohamed said...
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Anonymous said...

Ah yes, let's blame western media because only a few Muslims "make bad things"

“one in 10 Indonesian Muslims approved the bombings conducted in Bali with the excuse of defending Islam,”

220 million Indonesians total. 190 million are Muslim Indonsians. 19 million of those support violent jihad to defend Islam.

12% of Muslim-Canadians polled by Environics said the alleged terrorist plot, that included kidnapping and beheading the prime minister and blowing up Parliament and the CBC, was justified.

12% of 700,000 = 84,000 Canadian Muslims see nothing wrong with blowing up Parliament.

Do not blame the media for reporting events.