Thursday, October 25, 2007

This is Why We Need Mandatory School Uniforms

This is a sad state of affairs for young girls in America.
In one study, more than one-third of middle-school students responded
"yes" when asked whether they are bullied because of the clothes they wear.

Yup they were bullied because they didn't wear the "right" fashion designers' clothes to school. Now this is a big joke when teen girls have to worry about fashion designers who make $300 dresses and not just growing up, going through puberty, etc.

I remember when I was in school the idea of school uniforms was asinine. But now I can see that mandatory school uniforms might be a great idea to prevent this kind of thing.

It seems to help everyone except for the $300 dress designers. Parents don't have to worry about buying the 'right' designers or the kid wearing the 'wrong' ones. Also buying back to school clothes will just be a matter of shelling out for 12 uniforms. This is also something that can be subsidized by the State for lower income kids.

This will also make it so poorer kids and richer kids won't have clothes as a clear and always present dividing line between them. The other dividing lines will still be there but at least this one will be taken care of. You will also cut down on short dresses and revealing tops and other things that people always complain about. I guess Japanese schools have the right idea all along when it comes to school uniforms.

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