Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dems Alienate Turkey

In another boneheaded move by Congress Turkey has been branded as perpetrators of genocide 92 years after the fact. And the worst part is that it looks like the Turks are now going to invade Northern Iraq to destablize the region.
Erdogan's government will seek authorization for a military incursion
after a public holiday which ends on Sunday, senior ruling AK Party lawmaker
Sadullah Ergin said.

Ergin said the resolution could go to parliament, where the AK
Party has a big majority, after a cabinet meeting on Monday.

Good job Congress. Maybe they think winning political feel-good measures (the author if the bill is from a mostly Armenian district) is more important then keeping one of the few Muslim allies in the area. Even if the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against the Armenians we don't have to condemn them 92 years later on the floor of the Congress. Hardly a man is now alive that was even alive during that time. The Dems need to focus on the next genocide since they failed in Rawanda and seem to be failing in Darfur. Let's hope cooler heads prevail and they vote down this Bill when it goes to the entire House.

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