Monday, June 25, 2007

Tom Cruise Barred from Filming in Germany

I guess the Germans don't like those weird cultists filming movies in their cities.
Defense Ministry spokesman Harald Kammerbauer said Monday that the
production "will not be allowed to film at German military sites if Count
Stauffenberg is played by Tom Cruise, who has publicly professed to being a
member of the Scientology cult."

Even Count Stauffenberg's son is against Cruise doing his dad wrong.
Stauffenberg's oldest son, 72-year-old Berthold von Stauffenberg, told
a German newspaper Saturday that Cruise "should keep his hands off my

"I hoped for a while that it was all just a publicity stunt by Mr.
Cruise," the younger Stauffenberg told Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

"It is sure to be crap. Of course, I could be wrong—I would like to

He called Cruise's involvement with Scientology "off-putting," and
referred to the church as a "business."

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