Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hamas Takes Control of the Gaza Strip

While America had its head in the sand about Paris Hilton it looks like Hamas has suddenly taken control of the Gaza Strip.

In Gaza, it was a day of major victories for Hamas and its backers in Iran
and Syria and of devastating setbacks for the Western-backed Fatah. In one
particularly humiliating scene, masked Hamas fighters marched agents of the
once-feared Preventive Security Service out of their headquarters, arms raised
in the air, stripped to the waist and ducking at the sound of a gunshot.

I wonder if the UN is going to make the West Bank into a Fatah controlled Palestine and the Gaza Strip into Hamasistan? Whatever the case the Israelis pulling out of Gaza has pretty much made an enemy Islamist state right on its border. It looks like Israel has just gone back to 1968 and are surrounded by enemies once again.

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