Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bush to Veto Stem Cell Bill Again

I'm really tired of this argument brought by the right in support of the President.
Opponents of the latest stem cell measure insisted that the use of
embryonic stem cells was the wrong approach on moral grounds — and possibly not even the most promising one scientifically. They cite breakthroughs involving
medical research conducted with adult stem cells, umbilical cord blood and
amniotic fluid, none of which involve the destruction of a human

How do they know if it isn't promising? We might have cures for diabetes, spinal cord injury, and Alzheimer's possibly tied to stem cells. They might even be able to cure heart disease. Some of the best stem cells can be harvested from embryos that are currently destroyed as medical waste. Why doesn't Bush wise up and let women who abort fetuses sign a waver that allows scientists to harvest the stem cells. The scientists won't be deliberately making embryos for stem cells but just reusing something that would normally be thrown away as medical waste. Bush is such a moron when it comes to this issue.

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