Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Eventful.com Used by Candidates

Now it looks like the 2008 Presidential Candidates are going the Web 2.0 route.
Within the last few months, presidential candidates have begun to pop
up on Eventful.com, a site where music fans and others lobby their favorite
performer and writers for local appearances. Some politicians, like Hillary
Clinton have appeared because their supporters have demanded local campaign
stops. Others, like Barack Obama, John Edwards, Ron Paul, and Mike Gravel,
have actively pursued a place on the site and the feedback it offers.

I guess these candidates will use any technological means they can to put their name out there. Too bad eventful.com seems like the Web 2.0 site that will only appeal to people that aren't in Hawaii. It seems that almost all of the events in Hawaii occur at the Honolulu Club. I guess they have a web savvy employee that just blankets their events on the site. I only saw like 5 events that weren't' Honolulu Club events.

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