Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Interesting Thoughts on First Hour of Trading

Hmm this would be an interesting research project to carry out.

Of course, a 36 session sample is not much to go on. Prodded by my reader's inquiry, I went back to January, 2004 (N = 543 trading days) and examined the number of occasions in which the day's high or low was registered in the first hour. It turns out that we saw daily highs in the first hour on 177 occasions and daily lows in the first hour on 179 occasions. All in all, we saw either a daily high or low in the first hour about two-thirds of the time. It's not quite the 71% quoted by my reader's source, but it's not far from it.

That seems to be something you can trade on for sure. A 75% chance of something happening in the market seems like great odds to me.

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