Monday, December 31, 2018

New Years Resolutions and Goals for 2019

I might as well write these down instead of keeping them in my head:

Resolutions for 2019

1. Be Nicer: I have a tendency to be angry and misanthropic while envying people who are naturally good-natured. I will try to emulate them more and have a generally positive attitude more often 

2. Laugh More: I will watch more comedies than Horror movies. Will go out of my way to yuk it up and make the people I love figuratively split their sides.

3. Stay generally peaceful: I will try not to get angry and hold grudges. Let it all go and move on to the next thing with happiness in my heart.

4. Try to take alcohol medicinally: I will try to move away from being a teetotaler and try to imbibe a bit more so frequently. I will try an expensive single-malt Scotch at least once and enjoy it.

5. Not eat so much: I pride myself on the ability to eat large piles of food. I will instead eat just the tasty stuff and stay pleasantly full. I will eat a bit more greens and fruit as well. I will also eat more sweets as well

Goals for 2019

1. Buy a new car with 100% cash. I got the cash just need to buy the car.

2. Go to the dentist. Haven't been for years and know it will be a horror show in there. But I need to get it done.

3. Buy a new pair of glasses. My old pair is actually covered with scratches and I can barely see out of them.

4. Find a 2 bagger stock. Hopefully we will have good growth in 2019 and dodge a recession. A nice upward move will make America a much happier place.

5. Do art. I have the supplies I just need time to sit down and do it. I will make that time.

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