Thursday, September 13, 2018

There is No Forgiveness in Woke Transgressions

This article really made me think.
By mentioning forgiveness, MacDonald reveals the biggest flaw in our new woke morality. The Church of Social Justice has more rules than a monastery during Lent and the list grows daily. But unlike traditional morality, there is no path to redemption.
The ancient Hebrews confessed the community’s sin, placed it onto a scapegoat, and restored the flawed people. Early Christians confessed to their priest or bishop, perhaps did some acts of penance, and were redeemed in the eyes of the church. For especially egregious and public sins, the process could be quite involved. But the model held across time and faith: confess to wrongdoing, repent, and be forgiven.
That really is true. Hardwick and Rosanne had their careers destroyed after a screw-up. In the case of Hardwick we don't even know who was telling the truth or not. I think there needs to be some sort of period of contrition and we can welcome them back into the fold. Maybe use a sliding scale depending on the crime. Weinstein gets 100 years while Aziz Ansari gets 6 months or something. In any case I think there should be second chances in America.

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