Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Climate Change Proponents Understand they Cannot Use Ridicule to Get their Points Across

It is good that the dynamic is changing on persuading people that Climate Change is happening and there needs to be something done about it.
For example, communication from the scientific community and its supporters that ridicules sceptics' concerns is likely to drive the groups further apart.
This is particularly problematic as we know from previous research on the politicisation of climate change. Ridicule is only likely to strengthen scepticism and therefore increase sceptics' determination to act in support of their groups' cause.

This is 100% true. No one has ever gotten people on their side by calling them or their concerns stupid. The whole idea of calling Skeptics "Deniers" is a way to create an us-vs-them mentality that is unlikely to get Skeptics to buy in. I agree with this statement as well. The mentality that all Climate-Deniers are stupid needs to get buried if they want these people on board.
Conflict between groups can also be diffused by shifting the focus from differences to focusing on similarities between the members of the two groups. And, more importantly, on broader goals that both groups share.
The idea is to push electric cars because they save a ton of money instead of saying "if you don't buy an electric car the earth will burn up and you are too stupid to know that." Moving the electric grid to renewables and next-gen nuclear might be able to drop the prices on nearly everything and have a side benefit of reducing carbon emissions. People want to save money and some aspects of fighting Climate Change might make that happen. If people focuses on this and dialed down the scare tactics we might see a change in this issue.

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