Friday, February 21, 2014

An Actual Compassionate Conservative? Arthur Brooks of the AIE Welcomes the Dalai Lama

It seems that the Dalai Lama actually had a chance to sit down with conservatives and have a debate about capitalism. Maybe the idea that conservatives actually want to help poor people might come around at last.

Brooks was solicitous of his holy guest. “Free enterprise truly can be and should be a blessing in the life of all people, especially the poor,” he assured the Dalai Lama, but “it will not be if it’s not executed and practiced on the basis of brotherhood and compassion.” 

A conservative calling for compassionate capitalism! This was encouraging. 

I guess all that talk of makers vs takers and the 47% that are addicted to the government is starting to wear off. Capitalism has the potential to help quite a few people come out of poverty than any other economic setup.

The Red Chinese is case-in-point. Communism was a dismal failure that killed off tens of millions of people. Capitalism is is helping quite a few people go from nearly subsistence farming to a comfortable middle class. It is command capitalism but it is far better than anything Mao tried to do.

There are people left behind by capitalism and I think its the job of the government working with civic and religious groups to help them out. So job training at the local church, or free suits donated by Jos. E. Banks for perspective job applicants, and resume help from the Chamber of Commerce. That way a person can find a job and contribute to the economy rather than relying on welfare etc.

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