Friday, January 03, 2014

America by 2050? Americans share Foreboding Vision

I guess all the scare tactics about technology and demographic change are starting to freak out Americans.

Whether they foresee runaway technology or runaway government, rampant poverty or vanishing morality, a majority of Americans predict a future worse than today.

Whites are particularly gloomy: Only 1 in 6 expects better times over the next four decades. Also notably pessimistic are middle-age and older people, those who earn midlevel incomes and Protestants, a new national poll finds.

I think the future is very bright for America. There will probably be no major war in the 36 years as the world becomes somewhat safer. I mean terrorist attacks are bad but you cannot compare it to extinction of the human race by global thermonuclear war. People are living longer and some diseases (maybe even cancer) should be cured by 2050.

There might be an economic collapse but it shouldn't be anything near what happened in the 30s. It seems economic policymakers learned from history. It will be interesting to see how the Stock Market becomes even more important as American go from pensions and social security (which will be bankrupt for decades before 2050) to 401Ks when they retire.

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