Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Why do Men Hate Obama? This Article Makes Sense of the Dilemma

This article provides quite a bit of food for thought on why Obama lost the white male vote by such a wide margin in both elections. It isn't that they are all racist either.

It may be the case that men see Barack Obama as a kind of romantic competitor — not the man himself, but the vision of government he stands for. The more the state steps into the role of provider, the less men have to offer in that capacity. This is especially true of men with modest earnings potential. I doubt that very many of those non-college-educated, working-class white men follow the careers of Hanna Rosin or Maureen Dowd, but the message — “men are obsolete” — infiltrates the culture at large. President Obama is the messenger, and an agent of the Rosin-Dowd worldview: His vision of the good life is universal kindergarten and universal graduate school, a coddling welfare state, etc., and a gimlet eye cast upon much of what used to be thought of as man’s work: drilling for gas, timbering, mining. President Obama is first and foremost the public face of his own agenda and his own economic record, which is a poor one. But he is also the face of something else, an unbrave new world with little use for men whose Christmas plans do not involve buttonholing family members for precious and grim-mouthed homilies about Obamacare.

Yeah a Welfare State envisioned by Obama and his ilk have no place for men in it. Men as the provider or the bread-winner is totally obsolete when it is the Government providing the check. So men without college degrees fear that Obama will become their wives' proverbial baby-daddy. The Welfare State is not made to make everyone rich but maintain everyone at the same level of near poverty with no real way to get ahead so they can be controlled.

Women are also becoming far more educated than men as well. We see men retreating into Call of Duty and bro-ism while women are getting multiple degrees and going after top jobs in research and the corporate world. Unemployment for men is much higher than ever. Obama the metrosexual is the standard bearer of the fear that there will be no place for men in the world he wants to create. Men are right to fear a driven woman that has a PHD is gunning for his job (or has already taken it) while he is getting drunk with his bros and playing video games.

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