Friday, October 18, 2013

Ted Cruz wants to Shut Down the Government Again: Can't someone shut him up?

Well I can't wait until the GOP actually shuts the Tea Party down before the Dems get a hold of all levers of power again.

Tea party Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas told ABC News he wouldn't rule out using the tactic again, when the same budget and debt questions come up next year.

"I will continue to do anything I can to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare," Cruz said.

That divide defined the warring Republican factions ahead of the midterm elections, when 35 seats in the Democratic-controlled Senate and all 435 seats in the Republican-dominated House will be on the ballot. In the nearer term, difficult debates over immigration and farm policy loom, along with another round of budget and debt talks.

Yup the stakes are pretty high. I really hope the Chamber of Commerce and some Wall Street fat cats get together and throw some money at pro-Growth Republicans instead of the pro-Crazy Tea Partiers. I mean it seems that no-one is still left on the Tea Party bandwagon other than true believers.

A Pew Research Center poll released this week showed public favorability for the Tea Party dropped to its lowest level since driving the Republican takeover of the House in the 2010 elections. An AP-Gfk poll showed that 70 percent now hold unfavorable views of the Tea Party.

70% unfavorable rating. That is pathetic. The definition of crazy is doing the same thing that failed over and over thinking they will get a different result. If Cruz shuts down the Government again for no reason then I think Texas voters need to mount a recall petition against him on the grounds that he is insane.

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