Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Draconian Texas Bill Outlawing Abortions Fails: Sounds Good to Me

This whole mess is exactly why the GOP is hated by many people in the us.

"Get them out!" Sen. Donna Campbell shouted to a security guard, pointing to the thundering crowd in the gallery overhead that had already been screaming for more than 10 minutes.

"Time is running out," Campbell pleaded. "I want them out of here!"

It didn't work. The noise never stopped and despite barely beating the midnight end-of-session deadline with a vote to pass the bill, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said the chaos in the chamber prevented him from formally signing it before the deadline passed, effectively killing it.

Dewhurst denounced the protesters as an "unruly mob." Democrats who urged them on called the outburst democracy in action.

Well I don't condone "democracy by the mob" I still think they did a great service to the women of Texas. I have no idea why this anti-abortion sentiment is still an issue. I mean Roe vs. Wade will never be overturned after being decades in effect. In fact it has been in effect my entire life. The morning after pill is now available over the counter.

And even if Texas did ban abortions I'm sure liberal groups can charter buses or give gas cards to women who wanted to get abortions in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Louisiana.  Use some of Soros' money to do some good for someone for a change.

In any case it just makes the GOP look further anti-woman. It takes away a choice that a woman has had for nearly 40 years and replaces it with the uncertainty of back-alleys and illegal behavior. I mean the woman is the one solely responsible for caring for an unwanted child. She should have the choice to abort the child, put it up for adoption, or raise it. Taking one of those choices away just makes it harder on women.

If the GOP was smart they would not fight this battle and instead provide more support for women that choose to have a baby. In other words better adoption protocols, some sort of child care reimbursement, and maybe free pre-natal care for all women that request it. Maybe even a tax break for companies that have longer maternity leave or on premises child-care should be on the GOP radar. In other words make the choice to put the kid up for adoption or raise it much more palatable than it is now.

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