Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obama Has time for Letterman but Not for Netanyahu

Well yet another finger in the eye of Israel by Obama.

"The President arrives in New York for the UN on Monday, September 24 and departs on Tuesday, September 25. The Prime Minister doesn't arrive in New York until later in the week," Vietor said.

"They're simply not in the city at the same time. But the President and PM are in frequent contact and the PM will meet with other senior officials, including Secretary Clinton, during his visit."

Which makes sense. I mean the President has a very hectic schedule. I mean he is meeting with this noted statesman on September 18th.

Still, Obama reportedly planned to appear on David Letterman on Sept. 18, the first day of the annual diplomatic gathering.

In other words Obama makes time for Letterman but doesn't have any time for the Prime Minister of one of our closest allies. It's not like a nuclear armed Iran or an imminent Israeli attack of Iranian nuclear sites might be in the offing or anything.

Sir John paid a personal visit to Benjamin Netanyahu to appeal to the leader to hold fire after he appeared to be impatient over the UK and US's approach towards Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his nuclear programme. 

Yesterday, Mr Netanyahu said the US did not have the "moral right" to stop Israel from taking action against Iran, where he is concerned by a number of nuclear sites.

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