Friday, February 11, 2011

Some BS "Ethics" Group Blasts Congressmen Sleeping in Offices

I think these kind of groups should just butt out when it comes to this kind of thing.

According to CREW, press reports indicate that at least 33 members--26 Republicans and 7 Democrats--currently sleep in their offices at night.

"House office buildings are not dorms or frat houses," CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan said. "If members didn't want to find housing in Washington, they shouldn't have run for Congress in the first place."

Sloan argues that turning a congressional office into a living facility violates House rules prohibiting the use of taxpayer resources for non-official duties.

Hell, if these Congressmen simply want to stay close to their desks by sleeping in their offices then who is CREW to tell them otherwise? I mean most of these people aren't multi-millionaires who can just buy a Washington home to stay in for a few years and be done with it.

I applaud their willingness to give up some comfort to get our work done. Sleeping in their offices shows that they are frugal with their own money so hopefully they will be frugal with our tax money. It also shows they aren't going to get into the "Washington orbit" and instead stay in the Capital just long enough to do their jobs and fly back to their home state.

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