Friday, February 04, 2011

Democratic Fund-Raiser Runs Our Luxembourg Embassy Into the Ground

Wow, Obama can't even get his patronage appointments to work out for him. Let's hope "our man/woman" in Cairo is better than this Stroum character.

- Stroum wrongly threatened embassy staff that "her appointment letter from the President gave
her the right to read any email messages" they wrote, and staff had "no expectation of privacy" in their e-mail or phone calls.

I guess this move is strait out of the "What would Himler do? Run Your Business Like the SS" line of management books.

- For 6 weeks, multiple employees worked full-time to find Stroum a "suitable temporary residence." They screened 200 residences and visited 30-40 houses in Luxembourg. Stroum rejected them all, again costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars unnecessarily.

I'm pretty sure house number 41 would have been perfect. Doesn't Luxembourg have any palatial mansions to pet her in? After all she did raise $500K for Obama.

- Stroum rushed to spend $3,400 in Embassy funds on European wine and liquor before the end of the year, even though State Department rules say “in no case, is the post authorized to use excess year-end funds to purchase wine." Secondly, all wine is supposed to be American.

I mean its not like the taxpayers are paying for that European Wine. No wait I guess we are. 

- After learning about a school in Switzerland that trained employees to work in places such as Buckingham Palace, Stroum and an assistant flew to Switzerland solely to hire a chef, billing taxpayers more than $1,200 for the trip and ignoring embassy rules to hire locally.

I'm sure the proles in Luxembourg cannot compare the the chefs trained for royalty by Swiss Masters. Now that she lost her job she should have to reimberse the US Government for the total cost of messing up our embassy in Luxembourg or face criminal charges.

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