Friday, November 13, 2009

Twisted Logic on How Tax Hikes Empower Consumers

Even though I support an excise tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans I just think Ms. Romer should not be the one selling the plan.

“Part of the idea of how that is going to work is precisely because it does empower consumers. It empowers each of us to have an employer-sponsored plan to call our HR office and say, ‘Would you negotiate harder? Would you think about (whether this) is the most efficient plan out there, because I don’t want my plan paying an excise tax.' So I think that’s something that is very much empowering consumers.”

It really isn't up to most employees on what health plan their employers give them. Especially if you are in a union. I really think they need to pay some sort of tax so they don't end up getting away with a "Cadillac" Plan while other people can barely afford it.

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