Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Iraq War Defeatism

I was reading an article on how USA Todays new site design had a 92% negative reaction (I kind of like it so I am in the 8% camp) and I came across a very interesting opinion blog.

There's a deep irony to the Democratic Party's dilemma over Iraq. For
30 years, the party's left-wing base has reflexively proclaimed every foreign
policy challenge "another Vietnam." These voices rise and fall with America's
fortunes. In 1991, again in 2003 and ever since, they've insisted Iraq is Arabic
for Vietnam. They also claimed that Afghanistan was Pashtun for Vietnam. There
were even some who insisted Kosovo was Serbo-Croatian for Vietnam and, of
course, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Grenada were each feared to be Spanish for
Vietnam. Like the old saw about Eskimos having a hundred words for snow, it
seemed that anyplace the United States sends troops creates a new word for

The funny thing is that Dems were the original "war-mongers" when it came to Vietnam. It was Kennedy and later LBJ that got us into that war in the first place. It was then up to Nixon to escalate the war in order to try for a decent peace. When that wasn't possible the US was forced to cut and run and sacrificed Vietnam to the commies.

Now we have the exact opposite situation in Iraq. The Repubs started the thing and now the Dems want us to end it in defeat. Now lets say we listen to Obama and pull everyone out in 6 months. Then when the humanitarian disaster breaks out do we go back in? In Vietnam the Repubs didn't go back into Vietnam when the North attacked at the end of the war. And I would be willing to lay even money that the Dems will go hammer and tongs against sending troops back in when the death squads go wild. So I would agree that there are parallels to Vietnam because it looks like we are again going to save American lives at the expense of foreign lives. I wonder how many dead Iraqis is equal to one dead American to a Dem?

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