Monday, March 05, 2012

The Whole Limbaugh Calling Fluke a Slut is a Double Standard: But I'm Glad Rush Apologized

Well Rush apologized which I think is pretty appropriate for attacking a seemingly innocent law student who wanted her college to pay for her birth control.

"I descended to [the left's] level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke," Limbaugh said. "I've always tried to maintain a very high degree of integrity and independence on this program. Nevertheless, those two words were inappropriate. They were uncalled for. They distracted from the point that I was actually trying to make, and I again sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for using those two words to describe her. I do not think she is either of those two words. I did not think last week that she is either of those two words."

Yes, it is up to conservatives to practice civility and refrain from name-calling. The left does that all the time and guys like Rush should not stoop to their level. I mean Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cunt during his stand-up act and the National Organization of Women doesn't want him removed from HBO. In fact NOW hasn't said a word about misogyny form the left at all. Now Rush and Maher share the exact same boat. But it is up to Rush to be above Maher and not personally attack people that disagree with him. I'm glad he apologized.

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