Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Which Book Inspired the Death of 60 Million People?

I thought it would be Main Kampf or the Mao's Little Red Book but it turns out to be Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson.

The resulting explosion of mosquito-borne malaria in Africa has claimed over sixty million lives. This was not a gradual process – a surge of infection and death happened almost immediately. The use of DDT reduces the spread of mosquito-borne malaria by fifty to eighty percent, so its discontinuation quickly produced an explosion of crippling and fatal illness. The same environmental movement which has been falsifying data, suppressing dissent, and reading tea leaves to support the global-warming fraud has studiously ignored this blood-drenched “hockey stick” for decades.

This was another case of junk science that caused alarmists to ban something that kept millions of people from dying due to malaria. I find it strange that environmentalists care so much about whether you separate your plastics from your other garbage and don't care about trying to stop people from dying in Africa. It is almost as if they actually want "unsustainable" people to die off in such numbers.

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