Thursday, February 01, 2007

Biden Takes Back Racist Remark

It sure is funny to see a liberal run for cover trying to make himself seem less racist. This is what Biden said:
In an interview published Wednesday in the New York Observer, the same
day he officially entered the presidential race, Biden described Obama as "the
first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a
nice-looking guy."

So the other mainstream African-American guys didn't meet one of these criteria I guess. So the other guys were either crooked, dumb, ugly, or little bit of everything according to Biden. It is also funny that Biden went right for the Michael Richards defence after his verbal blunder:
Let me tell you something I spoke to Barack today," Biden told

"I bet you did," Stewart quipped.

"I also spoke to Jesse (Jackson) and Al Sharpton" Biden

Yup when in doubt meet with those black leaders so you don't look as racist as you might seem to everyone else. I wonder if they are going to send Biden to the black rehab camp like they sent Isaiah Washington to the gay rehab camp?

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