Thursday, October 14, 2010

All the Miners are Out: Chile Comes in for the Big Win!

It is good to see Chile looking good in the eyes of the world. This final scene can come right out of a Hollywood movie with the Foreman Luis Urzua played by Alfred Molina.

The rescue of Chile's 33 trapped miners came to a joyous and successful close less than 24 hours after extraction began, when Luis Urzua walked out of the Phoenix capsule. 

Mr. Urzua approached Chilean President Sebastian Piñera and said, "Just as we previously agreed, I'm now handing over my shift to you." 

Mr. Piñera, smiling broadly, responded, "Like a good captain would do, you were the last one to abandon your ship." Rescuers cheered and hugged Mr. Urzua, and the president led the crowd in singing the national anthem. 

Upon reading the stories about the different miners you can bet that Ron Howard is chomping at the bit to get the stories of these guys up on the big screen in a potential Oscar winning movie. It would be like Alive without the cannibalism.

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