Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I Agree with Liz Mair former Scott Walker Staffer: Why is Iowa the First State to Start the Presidential Process?

I never understood why Iowa goes first in the Presidential process and it seems to have cost this woman her job.

Liz Mair, who was a digital strategist for Walker, came under a storm of criticism for her advocacy of some relatively liberal policy positions and colorful tweets that critics said were insulting to Iowans.

"In other news, I see Iowa is once again embarrassing itself, and the GOP, this morning. Thanks, guys," Mair wrote of a January event hosted by conservative Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), according to the Associated Press. "The sooner we remove Iowa's front-running status, the better off American politics and policy will be."
I have to agree with her assessment. It should be several states at the beginning of the race for President. Maybe take one western state (Washington or Oregon because California is too big,) one Midwestern state (might as well keep Iowa,) one southern state (maybe Tennessee or Kentucky,) and one eastern state (Maybe Rhode Island or keep New Hampshire) and have them all run their straw polls and elections and such on the same day. You still get the weed out process among candidates but it isn't about just crisscrossing Iowa and promising increased farm subsidies. You have to appeal to a broader swath of Americans and hopefully we get a better candidate on both sides that way.  

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