Friday, November 19, 2010

40 Millionaires Against Extending Bush Tax Cuts: Why Don't they Just Double Their Tax Bills Then?

It seems that they are the same old Liberal money men according to this:

The group includes many big-time Democratic donors such as Gail Furman, trial lawyer Guy Saperstein and Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's ice cream (pictured). The list remains open to millionaires who want to sign on.

Um, I have a suggestion if these people feel they aren't taxed enough. When it says on the tax form you must pay X amount double it or triple it and send it to the government. That way they can get over the loathing they feel about how they got their money. Everyone else will get a tax cut and you folks can voluntarily pay for it by doubling your tax bill out of the kindness of your own heart.

The IRS needs to create a line saying: Amount paid above and beyond your tax bill. Then we will see how many of these liberal millionaires club will add onto that line. I' betting on them ignoring it completely. As the White House says taxes are for the proles.

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