Friday, March 05, 2010

National Academy of Sciences Enters the Global Warming Advocacy Game

I guess certain scientists can't just do their work without having to "fight back" against skeptics.

Undaunted by a rash of scandals over the science underpinning climate change, top climate researchers are plotting to respond with what one scientist involved said needs to be “an outlandishly aggressively partisan approach” to gut the credibility of skeptics.

In private e-mails obtained by The Washington Times, climate scientists at the National Academy of Sciences say they are tired of “being treated like political pawns” and need to fight back in kind. Their strategy includes forming a nonprofit group to organize researchers and use their donations to challenge critics by running a back-page ad in the New York Times.

I think the "aggressively partisan approach" is more important then just getting the science right and clearing up the doubt that people toward their science. Their entire field has been given a black eye by all this and they want to form some non-profit to gut their critics.

One of the people in this "partisan approach" to science is Paul Ehrlich who sounds like a kinder, gentler Eugenicist that some environmental whackos just love:

Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb, which also included this interesting advice for governments of the future: that they should put “temporary sterilants” in the water supply and then closely regulate the antidote in order to choose who could reproduce and when. If he’s the leading light of AGW theory, that explains (a) why it’s not science-based at all but rather a screen for statist control, and (b) why it’s collapsing as a science.

Nothing like a call to dope the water supply of Third World and Asian countries (where there is population growth) with sterilants to put you right at the fringe of Red Skull level Eugenics. I wonder if the "racially pure" get to drink special water to avoid this fate? Maybe this Ehrlich was reading some long lost Nazi documents and had an "Ah Ha!" moment.

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