Monday, June 15, 2009

GOP Level Attack Against Obamacare: It's Rationing by Another Name

That seems like the major charge leveled against it and it will be hard for the Obama people to deny.

Kyl and McConnell introduced a bill today that would bar the federal government from using "comparative effectiveness research" — which, Kyl charged in a news conference timed to coincide with Obama’s AMA speech in Chicago, would lead to rationing of care.

Kyl said that the research would result in the delaying of health care treatment to a patient based on cost, which he believes would weaken the quality of care.

“I don’t want America to begin rationing care to their citizens in the way these other countries do,” Kyl said.

If every American has to wait 6 months to a year to get certain expensive forms of care or be put on a waiting list to take a certain medicine then Obamacare won't fly.

However this will be the perfect way for health insurance companies to compete with the federal government. Give a 1 month guarantee where a patient will not have to wait for more then 1 month for any procedure at all. You will have to pay a higher premium for this service but it can be put onto your insurance ala carte.

That way if you have the money you get the procedure in 1 month or less but if you have to rely on the government you have to wait until they approve it. These sort of value added services is what these insurers will have to use in order to compete. The government will always beat them on price so they will have to beat them on quality of service. Knowing how the government works the private option will always be better if you can afford it.

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