Monday, June 18, 2007

What People Are Doing Online

This is a very interesting chart from Business Week that breaks internet users down to what people are doing and how old those people are. Gen X Breaks down to:
19% Creators (write blogs etc.)
25% Critics (comments on blogs, writes reviews)
16% Collectors (Gather information with RSS)
29% Joiners (Part of social networking sites)
41% Spectators (Read blogs, watch YouTube etc.)
42% Inactives (No social media use)
One interesting thing is that 18-21 year olds use Social Networking sites more than double the amount of time as Gen Xers do. Also there is a 19% dropoff for teens using those sites. Could it be because schools are banning MySpace etc. and this it becomes less popular as a result? It might be something NewsCorp should bo on the look out for in a few years.

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