Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bausch & Lomb CEO stays Mum on Fungus

I guess they aren't really taking these allegations seriously judging by this response:

Still, Zarrella said, investigators have so far found no problem -- either with MoistureLoc's formula or its manufacturing process -- that could be causing the infections. Indeed, he said, the cleanser continues to look "as safe and effective as anything on the market."

Even so, he said, Bausch & Lomb will continue to withhold shipments of MoistureLoc in the U.S. market while government authorities continue with their investigation. He said he expects some answers "over the next couple of weeks" but could offer no definite timeframe for when the entire investigation might come to an end.

Still they seem to be selling it to the non-US markets for some reason. I guess those so-called "dirty foreigners" can have Shitake growing out of their eyesockets for all they care. They need to just take every bottle of MoistureLoc off of the market until the FDA can deem it safe. At least Biogen and Elan pulled Tysabri totally off of the market when they found out it was dangerous to a few people.

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