Friday, September 16, 2005

Bush Writing Checks he Can't Cash?

Wow $200 billion added to the deficit to rebuild New Orleans? Now that is a pretty big chunk of change on top of Iraq and Afghanistan. I think they are getting ahead of themselves here. It seems that quite a few of the people that fled are not going back to New Orleans are going to settle in the evacuated areas.

I think the government agencies should go in there and interview each survivor and gauge their intentions first before federal rebuilding money is tossed around. If they plan to stay in Texas lets say and prosper then money shouldn't be poured into New Orleans. And with those corrupt and incompetent officials there the money may be wasted or embezzled faster then it can pour in. Lets hope the feds keep a tight reign on this money.

Still it rankles my fiscal conservatism to just throw money at something like this. Let's hope there are checks and balances in place and they have thought things through. If this move impacts the economy beyond high gas prices and the general devastation caused by the hurricane then I will be joining the "I hate Bush" camp.

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