Friday, May 27, 2005

Tom DeLay Needs to Resign Already

Now he is going after Law and Order. This kind of things shows he is totally humorless and makes Republicans look like uptight jerks.

He should have said something like "I am flattered to have my name used in a popular show like Law&Order and my commitment to judicial security has always been foremost in my mind. I would like to applaud Mr. Wolf for shining light on the dangers that some justices face. And I know that no self-respecting person would ever think about laying a hand on any judge, activist or not. I know that the portrayal of the murderers as conservatives, although distressing to me, is purely a work of fantasy and I judge it as such."

Instead he fires off a stiff-necked screed relying on 2nd-hand knowledge. He should have at least watched the show, or requested a transcript of the show, to educate himself as to the context that the statement was given in. He looks like an idiot arguing things with knowledge provided by an aide's wife.

With all the ethics crap he's going though he should not be calling attention to himself at all. When you add this adventure to the whole Shiavo mess it makes the Republican party look foolish. This kind of thing could cost them seats, and if they aren't careful, the White House in 2008.

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